Weekend in Paris!

Finally Friday - bags packed and ready to go! My partner planned to treat me with a long weekend trip in Paris, after "well made exam". Recently I started new studies in Sweden- to boost my CV and get more specialised. It was a great start, with high expectations and probably much more confidence than necessary. Soon the program became much more challenging than I expected, I managed to fail my first exam. That meant that I had to do my Re-Exam on monday we were in Paris!

Our day started with proper croissante, black coffee and some fruits in our small cozy city hotel. Good budget tip for Paris visitors is to find accommodation outside of the very city-centre, but close to the metro station! Metros and trains are a fast and efficient way to travel and one stop with metro takes less than a minute. During the first day we managed to walk through the city and see, the essential sites such as the Arch De Triumphe, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame. We were also super lucky with the weather and managed to sit outside for lunch and  have glass of wine without jackets. I think the only French food I managed to eat were small wraps and about 30 macrones. I have a tendency to always explore the most popular restaurants, cafes from Tripadvisor in the very last minute where it is not possible to get the table anymore. Happens everywhere and always! Tips from here to take is to make a reservation if there are special places you would like to visit (https://www.jeanyveslechef.com/). As real tourists we also went to the most famous Laduree - only to wait in line for about an hour and buy super expensive macrones, which we all ate before arriving home. It was definitely worth it, even my partner agreed after some frustration in the long que! (https://www.laduree.fr/).


One of my favourite part of our travel was to visit the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris in the northern Montmatre area. We sat on the top of its stairs, had a cold drink and enjoyed the beautiful sunset over Paris. Following the long walk down through the narrow streets full of small cafes and restaurants. Even though Paris is one the most populated cities in Europe - I do find that it has its charm and coziness. Beautiful architecture, narrow corners, small markets and street artists will keep the smile and romantic feeling the whole way. It is definitely a city which holdss something for everyone: Holiday with love, shopping with girlfriends or just to explore some cultural sights.  However, I would say that to have a better time some preparation is required (like buying tickets for museums etc). 

View from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris

The first eight hours on our last day I spent writing my re-exam, which I managed to passed! Following the hand in, we went for a short walk around Luxembourg garden and relaxed for an hour in a cozy cafe and we were ready to say: A la prorchaine, Paris! 


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